Commelina diffusa pdf download

Present study was performed to find out important phytochemical constituents, and establish the scientific basis of the use of the leaves of commelina diffusa as. Hairy wandering jew commelina benghalensis is listed among the 200 most invasive plants in southeastern queensland and is a common weed of waterways and riparian areas in the region. They are ovate, lanceolateovate, or slightly cordate. The aim of this work is to investigate leaf miner occurrence in commelina diffusa burm. Whitemouth dayflower has two blue petals and one white and it tends to be more upright. Although the exact answer to this question is currently unknown, some of our current crop production practices seem to be well suited for benghal dayflower growth. It has been introduced to the southeastern united states where it is most common in wet disturbed soils. The results show that the proximate and vitamin compositions of. Plants profile for commelina diffusa diffusa climbing. It is similar to whitemouth dayflower, commelina erecta, a florida native.

It has also invaded conservation areas in northern new south wales e. A suppository of the stem lubricated with castor oil ricinus communis is used infants move their bowels. Climbing dayflower, spreading dayflower, day flower plant characteristics. Lherbacee rampante commelina diffusa, introduite comme ornementale a hanga roa ou elle sest naturalisee, ainsi qua vinapu selon zizka 1991, citee comme peu commun en zone humide lefeuvre et al. Commelinaceae is usually known as climbing dayflower or spreading dayflower in bangladesh. Commelina diffusa is typically an annual herb, though it may be perennial in the tropics. Commelina benghalensis, commonly known as the benghal dayflower, tropical spiderwort, or wandering jew, kanshira in bengali, is a perennial herb native to tropical asia and africa. Common dayflower, photographed in delray beach near lake ida road. Biological control of spreading dayflower commelina. Leaves are broadly lanceshaped with closed sheaths. Pdf commelina diffusa population dynamics in banana and.

Sheaths are short with a few soft hairs on the upper margin. It spreads diffusely, creeping along the ground, branching heavily and rooting at the nodes, obtaining stem lengths up to 1 m. Commelina diffusa is widely known as the climbing dayflower or spreading dayflower, which is an annual herb belonging to the family commelinaceae. Asiatic dayflower commelina communis dayflower family commelinaceae description. Plants profile for commelina diffusa climbing dayflower. Climbing dayflower, spreading dayflower, day flower. Commelina diffusa, sometimes known as the climbing dayflower or spreading dayflower, is a pantropical herbaceous plant in the dayflower family. Commelina benghalensis tropical spiderwort or benghal dayflower has become increasingly important, gaining pest significance in agronomic production systems in the southeastern coastal plain of the united states of america usa in crops such as cotton gossypium spp. It spreads diffusely, creeping along the ground, branching heavily and rooting at the nodes, obtaining stem lengths up to 1 metre. Commelina is a genus of approximately 170 species commonly called dayflowers due to the short lives of their flowers.

Common doesnt begin to describe how common common dayflower really is. The reduction reaction of 2,4dnph to 2,4daph by using the cuzro 2 nanocomposite. Commelina communis is an annual herb with numerous branched, creeping stems, which are minutely pubescent distally, 1 m long. Commelina diffusa climbing dayflower, spreading dayflower. Group o4 resistant commelina diffusa from united states, hawaii.

Climbing dayflower commelina diffusa and katydid, bird rookery swamp, collier county, florida 363178090. Aqueous leaf extracts of commelina diffusa was evaluated for food value. An excellent, if rather terse, guide to the traditional medicinal uses of the plants of the region it is macerated in rum and then rubbed on spider bites to bring relief. Commelina diffusa comdioverview eppo global database. Commelina diffusa vernacular names edit wikidata commelina diffusa english. Flowers have three blue petals in a leaflike structure open on the margins. The results can also be downloaded as a csv file unicode utf8 encoding see status, confidence level, source for definitions. Commelyne diffuse herb uses, benefits, cures, side effects.

General information about commelina diffusa comdi tropical and subtropical countries wordlwide. Leaves are lanceolate to ovatelanceolate, 39 cm long and 1. In this study, the ethanolic extract of the leaves of commelina diffusa was investigated. Click below on a thumbnail map or name for subspecies profiles. Its flowers are bright blue and have rounded petals. The plant is used in fever, malaria, insect, bug bites, rheumatoid arthritis, gonorrhea, influenza, and bladder infection etc. The leaves of commelina diffusa are used traditionally for the treatment of a variety of disease conditions in ghana, including inflammation and wound healing.

Group o4 resistant commelina diffusa from united states. Both are members of commelinaceae, the dayflower family. Identification and control 2 control it has been questioned why benghal dayflower has suddenly emerged as a problem weed. The plant is fed to chickens and rabbits and the sticky juice was once used by school children for glue. Dayflower genus commelina is a problem weed in coffee plantations due to its capacity to survive in diversified conditions and tolerance to glyphosate herbicide. Commelina diffusa is a colonising species of banana orchard habitats in st. Pubescence on the stem is variable and ranges from glabrous to hispidulous, which can occur either in a line or throughout. Cuzro 2 nanocomposite was characterized by ftir, xrd, fesem, eds and tem techniques cuzro 2 nanocomposite. Home image gallery profile page large image view of commelina diffusa burm. The name commelina was used in honor of three dutch brothers of the commelijn family, botanists all. Uses, benefits, cures, side effects, nutrients in commelyne diffuse. The results show that the proximate and vitamin compositions of commelina. The results can also be downloaded as a csv file unicode utf8 encoding. Commelina diffusa is a succulent annual that produces freely branched smooth stems.

Pdf antiinflammatory and antioxidant activities of commelina. Large image for commelina diffusa climbing dayflower. The plants database includes the following 2 subspecies of commelina diffusa. Pdf commelina diffusa is widely known as the climbing dayflower or spreading dayflower, which is an annual herb. Commelina diffusa notes on taxonomy and nomenclature top of page c. Commelina diffusa spreading dayflower department of plant. The dilution endpoint of mosaic symptoms in commelina diffusa distinguishable comv was 10 to 10, its longevity in vitro was 1220 hr. The spathe is the wrong color and the flower is the wrong color and structure for c. Morphology and anatomy of leaf miners in two species of. Media in category commelina diffusa the following 33 files are in this category, out of 33 total.

Characterization and eletron microscopy of a potyvirus infecting commelina diffusa. The website also provides access to a database and images of herbarium specimens found at the university of south florida and other herbaria. Effects of alternative weed management strategies on. The record derives from wcsp data supplied on 20120323 which reports it as an accepted name record 233842 with original publication details. A filamentous virus has been discovered that induces with ammonium molybdate. It can be erect or sprawl across the ground like a vine. The hairless alternate leaves are up to 5 long and 2 across. Commelina benghalensis, phytochemistry, pharmacognostic, chromatography created date. There are two recognised varieties, one being the type and the other being c. Evaluation of central nervous system cns depressant. The atlas of florida plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information. Pot experiments were conducted to evaluate the efficiency of increasing doses of 2,4d herbicide, applied alone or in combination with glyphosate, in controlling commelina benghalensis and commelina diffusa. Birdbill dayflower commelina dianthifolia by charlie mcdonald. The swedish taxonomist carl linnaeus of the 18th century named the genus after the two dutch botanists jan commelijn and.

A downloadable pdf document of a book in prepublication awaiting illustration. Nutraceutical investigations of commelina diffusa burm. Birdbill dayflower is in the spiderwort family commelinaceae, which has about 40 genera and 600 species worldwide, mostly in the tropics. For more multimedia, look at commelina diffusa on wikimedia commons. Stems creeping, branched sometimes at every node, to more than 1 m, glabrous or hispidulous throughout or in a line. Phytochemical and biological investigation of commelina diffusa. A large image of commelina diffusa climbing dayflower from the usda plants database. Leaves are variable, oblong to linear, flat or folded, up to 120 mm long but usually smaller, glabrous or glabrescent to variously hairy. The spathe on your plant is distinct open from end to end so that rules out everything except commelina communis, c. Aug 31, 2015 the spathe on your plant is distinct open from end to end so that rules out everything except commelina communis, c. Commelina caespitosa roxb commelina cajennensis kunth. Commelina diffusa is thought to be native to the old world and introduced to the usa faden 1989, 1993.

Biological control of spreading dayflower commelina diffusa with the fungal pathogen phoma commelinicola. Pdf all rights reserved anatomical study on commelina diffusa. Commelina diffusa is widely known as the climbing dayflower or spreading dayflower, which is an annual herb belonging to the family commelinaceae that has been used as a medicinal plant for centuries. The record derives from wcsp data supplied on 20120323 which reports it as an accepted name record 233842. Plants profile for commelina diffusa diffusa climbing dayflower. Commelina canariensis sm commelina cayennensis rich commelina communis engelm. Commelina diffusa in the germplasm resources information network grin, u. Spathes are folded, dry inside, solitary, pedunculate stalked. Commelinaceae are known from tropical and subtropical. Names of commelyne diffuse in various languages of the world are also given. Commelina diffusa and spathodea campanulata are used as wound. How commelyne diffuse is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. The two most common genera in north america are commelina the dayflowers and tradescantia the spiderworts. Spreading dayflower commelina diffusa is a succulent annual that produces freely branched smooth stems.

Department of agriculture agricultural research service. More so there are native north american dayflowers in a different genus. Common names can be a headache when one is trying to index a plant. One, however, died young and the commelina communis was specifically named for them. Misha manuchehri 371 agricultural hall oklahoma state university stillwater, ok 74078. The methanol extracts of commelina diffusa herb and spathodea campanulata bark showed some level of antimicrobial activity with c. The stuff, known scientifically as commelina diffusa, is everywhere. Other articles where commelina diffusa is discussed.

Commelinaceae are common throughout the caribbean, north and latin america, africa, asia, the middle east and. In vitro evaluation of effects of two ghanaian plants. Characterization and electron microscopy of a potyvirus. Other articles where commelina erecta is discussed. Commelinaceae are common throughout the caribbean, north and latin america, africa, asia, the middle east and parts of oceania 18, 27, 28, 63, 64. Effects of alternative weed management strategies on commelina diffusa burm.

Pharmacognostic and phytochemical analysis of commelina. The present investigation was undertaken which deals with the evaluation of central nervous system cns depressant activity of methanolic. Pharmacognostic and phytochemical analysis of commelina benghalensis l. Dayflowers, often one petal shy eat the weeds and other. In this study, the ethanolic extract of the leaves of commelina diffusa was investigated for its antiinflammatory and antioxidant properties. The plant to the lower right is commonly known as the asiatic dayflower but it is not. General information commelina diffusa is an annual, or more commonly perennial, prostrate to ascending, much branched herb that can grow 1 metre or more high. Commelina africana is a spreading, perennial herb up to 0.

Jemilat ibrahim, vivian chioma ajaegbu, and henry omoregie egharevba keywords. Common dayflowers petals are all blue and it crawls along the ground. From commelina diffusa a tisane is made to treat high blood pressure and bladder infection. Especially in moist shady places, they spread easily by cuttings and seed and by rooting of their prostrate stems. List of various diseases cured by commelyne diffuse. It has been widely introduced to areas outside its native range, including to the neotropics, hawaii, the west indies and to both coasts of north america. The present investigation was undertaken which deals with the evaluation of central nervous system cns. This naturalized plant is native to tropical asia, but it is now found worldwide in tropical areas. Commelina diffusa spreading dayflower department of. It is by far the largest genus of its family, commelinaceae. Biosynthesis of cuzro2 nanocomposite using 7hydroxy4.

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